Patient Diaries: Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Treatment on legs | Arabella Medical Aesthetics | Knoxville, TX

Why did you want to get laser hair removal? 

I would get very bad razor burn every time I shaved. I was also sick of shaving & wanted to stop going through that viscous cycle of shaving + then having razor burn. 

A lot of people are scared of the pain. Tell me about your experience with that. 

I want to start off by saying that I am a huge baby and have a very low pain tolerance. While I wouldn’t say that it is most comfortable thing I have ever done, it is totally tolerable. Some places you feel a little zap and some places you don’t feel anything at all. 

What does each session look like?

You and your provider will talk about your hair growth & your provider will take a look at where your hair growth cycle is so that you all can come up with a game plan for that specific appointment. Your provider will clean the area and begin the treatment. Depending on the area treated, it could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes. 

What long-term results have you seen? 

I have seen a huge reduction in hair. I no longer have razor burn because I rarely have to shave. Any hair that is still there is extremely thin, which is great because my hair used to be very coarse. 

What has the touch-up process looked like for you? 

There were a couple of spots that needed to be touched up a few more times. I came back in and talked with Claire and we did two more touch ups, with a couple of months in between each appointment. 

If someone is thinking about getting laser hair removal, what should they know? 

I would tell everyone to wait a few months after your last appointment so that you can see where your hair growth cycle is at. That way you and your provider can figure out any maintenance sessions you might need moving forward. I have seen a 90% reduction in hair since being treated, which is amazing because I had LOTS of coarse hair. It has been so worth it!

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